Litter-Picking 6-Year-Old is Inspirational Role Model for Everyone

Beamont Primary Academy pupil Violet Smith may only be six years old, but she's a force to be reckoned with.
The youngster is blazing a trail for not only her peers, but everyone in Warrington.
All three nominees in the Child/Teenager of the Year Award category at the Warrington Guardian Inspiration Awards are amazing young people and inspirational role models to everyone around them.
It was Violet Smith who was crowned the Child of the Year for putting a smile on everyone's faces, as she collects litter on her way to school every day.
The youngster was so fed up with seeing the mounds of litter on her walk to and from school that she asked her mum to buy her a litter picker so she could "help save the world".
The nomination for Violet said:
"When Violet carries out her daily good deed, passers-by notice and toot their horns in support of her mission. Others have thanked and praised her, in admiration for her impressive initiative to help solve the litter problem in Orford. Everyone is extremely proud of her - she is a strong minded young person and wants to make where we live nice and clean."
It was last year, when Violet was in Year 1 at Beamont Primary Academy, when she learnt about rubbish and recycling.
She knew she wanted to make a difference in her local community so she decided to clean up the area for everyone to enjoy.
Violet said: "I like it when people beep their horns and wave at me when I am picking up litter. I always wave back. Someone gave me some money once while I was litter picking!"
A huge well done to Violet, and a massive thank you from all at WPAT for your efforts to better everyone's future!

Violet Smith with her Child of the Year Award