Publication Of Executive Pay

The Academy Trust Handbook requires that all Trusts publish on their website, in a separate readily accessible form, the number of employees whose pay benefits exceed £100,000 in £10,000 bandings.


1 person with salary and pension contributions totalling between £120,000 to £129,999

The Academy Trust Handbook requires that all Trusts publish on their website, in a separate readily accessible form, the number of employees whose pay benefits exceed £100,000 in £10,000 bandings.


1 person with salary and pension contributions totaling between £130,000 to £139,999

The Academy Trust Handbook requires that all Trusts publish on their website, in a separate readily accessible form, the number of employees whose pay benefits exceed £100,000 in £10,000 bandings.


1 person with salary and pension contributions totaling between £100,000 to £109,999

1 person with salary and pension contributions totaling between £160,000 to £169,999